A look into my likes and dislikes.
VooDooStevie's Articles
November 9, 2004 by VooDooStevie
This past friday I was able to sit and watch the newest addition to the PIXAR family of movies called, The Incredibles . The synopsis of the movie is as such. Mr. Incredible is a superhero who's power is super strength and seemingly indestructability. He does the typical superhero thing. Saving cats out of trees, foiling bad guys plans of crime. However he has one problem, while saving a man jumping off a building to commit suicide he crashed into a bank and he hears a ticking noise comi...
August 16, 2004 by VooDooStevie
Although I have been using some blog services in the past (OpenDiary, Blogger, LiveJournal, etc.) This is pretty easy to use and does have some functions to it I can see as possiblilities for future ideas. I was introduced to this blog from a DesktopX Object I found on Wincustomize's site ( Link ). Well that's all I have to say for now.. It's getting late and I am beat. Until next time kiddies.